Thursday, January 15, 2015

First Grade Cezanne Apples

So I needed a good lesson that included overlapping, placement and color. I remembered seeing a lesson on art Artsonia a while back.  Cezanne's Four Apples became my focus and our inspiration. We learned about the French artist and then began to apply the above mentioned concepts to our own art. 

We did use templates for the apples, making sure that we overlapped at least two.  Using tempera, students painted the apples like Cezanne did.  Background colors were added, (complementary colors), and then patterns were added for some interest. Pretty good, huh?

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Snowmen At Night

Kindergarten students love the book Snowmen At Night.  I love it, too!  We read the book and looked at all of the beautiful illustrations before beginning our own version of a snowmen.

Students traced circles and then cut them out, showing just how well they have learned to use the scissors.  Students were reminded that "a dot does a lot", when using glue. Shapes were glued and care was taken so that they were slightly overlapping.  Next students cut out their noses and glued these onto the top of the head.  This makes it appear that the snowmen are looking up.  

Details were added, such as eyes and buttons, using markers. Students chose two contrasting colors and began to cut rectangles that were glued side by side to make a scarf. Snow flakes were added as a finishing touch, using white oil pastels.  The results show a lots of personality and are quite fabulous! 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Central Office Art Exhibit

Hello and Happy New Year! It's hard to believe that we are at the beginning of our second semester.  In an effort to promote the arts in our school system, our schools participate in several exhibits within the community.  One of our exhibits is actually at our system's Central Office.  Although each school is assigned a month to exhibit, sometimes two schools exhibit simultaneously so that everyone gets an opportunity to shine.