Friday, May 8, 2015

Clay Cupcakes: 

Wayne Thiebaud & Claes Oldenburg

After studying the art of Wayne Thiebaud, (YUMMY!), we set out to make clay cupcakes. This is perfect way to introduce Claes Oldenburg. 

I bought silicone cupcake liners at Bed, Bath & Beyond. Each student was given a liner, sprinkled with baby powder to keep the clay from sticking.  We made small pinch pots and then pressed and molded them into the liners. The clay that went beyond the height of the liner was trimmed using a large paper clip. The clay was easy to pop out and now you have the bottom.

Another pinch pot would become the top. A cherry was added, with reminders to score and add slip.  The cherry added to the top of the cupcake becomes the handle for our containers.

After firing, it was time to add color! Students were asked to use one color on the bottom and then use several colors to decorate the top.  We actually finished these just in time for Mother's Day. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Clay Fish

What is a Mandala?

A mandala, (mon-dah-lah), is various geometric designs (usually circular) symbolizing the universe; used chiefly in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation. They allow the busy mind to take a break while the creative mind is allowed to run free.  One stares at the mandala and irritating thoughts fade away.  Mandalas are used as symbols for meditation, protection and healing. Mandalas are great examples of radial balance.

I needed to complete a lesson connecting art with the computer world.  Fortunately, our kids were issued Chromebooks this year, which made this project a lot easier.  We looked and and discussed examples of mandalas and how they are examples of radial balance.  Then it was time to create!

I was lucky to have the help and guidance of one of our Tech coaches. (Thanks Sara!)  I had not done a lesson in a long time in which I collaborated with another teacher.  It was fun and refreshing.  We got the kids ready to go and began to create using Sumo Paint. They enjoyed it as much as I did.  This is the type of project where there are unlimited possibilities.