If you are looking for a lesson to talk about color schemes and blending with your students, then this banyan tree project might be for you. I wanted to stress blending and limited color schemes, so this project allowed me do that. We looked at the banyan tree, which are native to India, (great geography tie-in here!) Banyan means trader in Hindu. These trees grow so large that markets are set up underneath, where trading takes place.
To get started, we looked at a map of India to see where banyan trees originated. The size of the trees can measure 1500 feet in circumference and have more than 3,000 trunk-like roots. (Math!) We began drawing the trunk and then the branches.
The next time we met, we discussed color. I thought about making this a project about analogous color, but decided to give them a little more latitude with color choices. If you have more time, analogous colors would work well. We practiced blending colors and then began adding color to our artwork. The finishing touch was the reflection of the tree.