Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Cityscape Collages

Using neutral colors to create a work of art can be challenging, but our first grade Gators stepped up to the challenge.  We looked at photographs of nighttime cityscapes and discussed the overlapping and size of buildings.  We also discussed textures of buildings.  

First grade students then set out to create their cityscapes. They chose pre-cut shapes and added crayons rubbings to show texture on each building.  Squares were added to represent windows, some lights were on and some were off.  Stars and moons were added using white charcoal pencils. They turned out to be quite nice!


Fifth grade studied the French artist Paul Cezanne.  After discussing many of his paintings, students observed and drew a still-life.  Care was taken to include shadows to make the drawing more realistic using chalk pastels.  

Monday, November 10, 2014

Kandinsky Tree

Kindergarten students studied and discussed Wassily Kandinsky's Squares With Concentric Circles.  Color choices were made and then everyone practiced cutting.  It was a very successful day.